The Vril-ya's system of mating is an ideally one for an utopian society. Marriage without commitment, three-years contract and free to move one without a social stigma being attached. The system is advantageous being able to interbreed and delude the genes pool of all harmful genetic mutations.The Gy-ei are the one who are more passionate will chase down their counterpart, Ana, who are less pasionate. As the narrator describes how it should be the for the being with more emotional attachment to pursue the opposite sex, the question arise of what about those Ana who desire to chase the Gy-ei instead ? The narrator never state specifically of those situation. Which can be interpret at certain flaws in Vril-ya's interrelationship. Is there homosexuality within the system, as the idea of free love is emphasized in the Vril-ya community? Neither that was mention. The system shows that it can be matriarchal, as the female have the most power and strength when it comes to commanding the staff. But the Gy-ei willing to give up their destructive power to have a mate. While the Vril-ya biologically favors females more, the outcome seems the same. The female has the be the obedient housewife or daughter. Only those Gy-ei who are widowed or not in a relationship, can be those who pursue in knowledge. But there was never mention of how Ana have a chance to pursue knowledge. While the system is perfect it is still flaws, so can the Vril-ya be a utopian society?
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